Begin 2024-04-27 19:56:19


Extract and process wikipedia

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Host 3 ".$modl_desc."
".$line."--".$taal; // echo " BEPAAL TAAL ".urlencode($line); /////////////// $mb_rslt=preg_split('/(?"; foreach($mb_rslt as $mb_key => $mb_val) { $mb_lowr=mb_strtolower($mb_val,'UTF-8'); $mb_text=$mb_text.$mb_lowr; } // echo "
TEST TLKD MB TEXT ".$mb_text; $mb_dtls=explode(" ",$mb_text); $new_mb=""; $tl=0; foreach($mb_dtls as $mb_key => $mb_val) { // echo "
KEY ".$mb_key." VAL ".$mb_val; $new_mb=$new_mb." ".$mb_val; } trim($new_mb); $unew_mb=urlencode($new_mb); $new_lnks=mb_strtolower($unew_mb); // echo "
NEW LINE ".$new_lnks; $line=urldecode($new_lnks); $line=trim($line); // echo "
".$modl_desc." ".$line." ".$taal." ".$tabel; $strn_val=$line; $scre_array=array(); $sw_mt=0; /////////////////////// echo ""; $sqltref="SELECT * FROM aiml WHERE MATCH (pattern,template) AGAINST ('$line' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) order by `pattern` desc " ; // $sqltref="SELECT * , MATCH (pattern,template,topic) AGAINST ('$line' ) AS score FROM aiml WHERE MATCH (pattern,template,topic) AGAINST ('$line' ) order by `score` desc"; // $sqltref="SELECT * , MATCH (pattern,template,topic) AGAINST ('$line' ) AS score FROM wiml WHERE MATCH (pattern,template,topic) AGAINST ('$line' ) order by `score` desc"; if ($tabel == "aiml") { $sqltref="SELECT * , MATCH (pattern,template,filename) AGAINST ('$line' ) AS score FROM aiml WHERE MATCH (pattern,template,filename) AGAINST ('$line' ) order by `score` desc"; } if ($tabel == "wiml") { // $sqltref="SELECT * , MATCH (pattern,template,thatpattern) AGAINST ('$line' ) AS score FROM wiml WHERE MATCH (pattern,template,thatpattern) AGAINST ('$line' ) order by `score` desc"; } if ($tabel == "ftma") { // $sqltref="SELECT * , MATCH (pattern,template,filename) AGAINST ('$line' ) AS score FROM ftma WHERE MATCH (pattern,template,filename) AGAINST ('$line' ) order by `score` desc"; } $splt_bzv1=explode(" ",$line); $zoek_bzv1="%".$line."%"; mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); $trefresult = mysql_query($sqltref, $link); $tref_num = mysql_num_rows($trefresult); // echo "
Aantallen ".$sqltref." ".$tref_num." SQL "; // echo "
"; // echo ""; if ($tref_num == 0) { // $scre_array["0@".$line."@".$template."@".$domn]=$scre_array[$scre."@".$pattern."@".$template."@".$domn]+1; // echo ""; } // echo "
You can select your chatbot here by selecting his profession and get to know his or her knowledge."; if ($tref_num > 0) { $corp_sw="0"; $kd=0; // echo ""; echo "
Er zijn ".$tref_num." entries gevonden voor uw uiting ".$wrds_form; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($trefresult) and $kd <32 ) { $scre=$row['score']; $id=$row['id']; $pattern=$row['pattern']; $thatpattern=$row['thatpattern']; $template=$row['template']; $topic=$row['topic']; $intention=$row['filename']; $scre= round($scre, 2); $nscr="00".$scre."00"; // echo "
PATTERN ".$pattern." TEMPLATE ".$template; if (strlen($scre)== 1) { $nscre=substr($nscr,0,4); } if (strlen($scre)== 2) { $nscre=substr($nscr,1,4); } if (strlen($scre)== 3) { $nscre=substr($nscr,2,4); } $splt_intn=explode("@",$intention); $usag_intn=$splt_intn[0]; $usag_extn=$splt_intn[1]; if ($hrelt != $pattern) { $kd=$kd+1; $cpattern="".$pattern.""; $ctemplate="".$template.""; echo ""; // echo "
NSCRE ".$nscre; $scre_array[$nscre."@".$topic."@".$pattern."@".$thatpattern."@".$template."@".$usag_intn]=$scre_array[$nscre."@".$topic."@".$pattern."@".$thatpattern."@".$template."@".$usag_intn]+1; // echo ""; $hrelt=$pattern; // echo "
GEEN DIRECT RESULTAAT ".$cpattern."".$ctemplate."
".$cpattern."".$ctemplate."".$usag_intn."".$usag_extn.""; } $domn_array[$domn]=$domn_array[$domn]+1; } } echo "
"; // echo "
Pandorabots entries: ".count($scre_array); // print_r($scre_array); krsort($scre_array); return($scre_array); } ?> 
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